SEGGER Evaluation Software for Infineon Boards
SEGGER provides board support packages (BSPs) and complete projects, available for various Evaluation boards. Different software packages are available for different boards.
Some packages are executable demos which can not be modified; some packages are versions for evaluation purposes which come with the software in a library and the application in source code form, as well as a project for the IDE that has been used.
Versions for evaluation purposes can usually be recompiled easily in less than a minute if the required compiler and IDE is installed. The application program can be modified, allowing intensive tests of the software. emWin versions for evaluation purposes usually also contain a simulation environment which allows test and recompilation on a PC.
Below is a list of supported Evaluation boards. The software can easily be ported to other hardware platforms. If you are looking for software for an Evaluation board not in this list, please get in touch with us at info@segger.com.
XMC4300 Relax Kit
SEGGER Evaluation Software
XMC4500 Relax Kit
SEGGER Evaluation Software
Included components:
Download SEGGER Evaluation Software for XMC4500 Relax Kit and SEGGER Embedded Studio
XMC4700 Relax Kit
SEGGER Evaluation Software
Included components:
Download SEGGER Evaluation Software for XMC4700 Relax Kit and SEGGER Embedded Studio